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Videos from Loo Law 

NOTE: Material presented on the Loo Law website is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such.




First Steps to Take When Injured at Work






















Most people don't expect to get injured at work. There are always accidents and as such, the state of New Hampshire set up our Worker's Compensation insurance system to make sure the workers are cared for. Employers are required to carry this insurance and it is specifically there for you! However, just like any benefit or protective device, it has to be used in the correct manner to get the full benefits available. Here is a video from Attorney Loo, personal injury attorney in Manchester, New Hampshire, that helps you understand what to do at the beginning of an injury from a work related accident.


For an injury at work, there are three important initial steps to take:


  1. Report it

       Use Form 8AWCA provided by the employer or downloaded:


 2.  Seek immediate medical care

      Many times we need care first! In an emergency, get care first and then make sure to report it as soon as possible.


 3.  Provide accurate history of injury to treating doctor

     Tell the doctor where, when and how it happened. If you do not use the worker's compensation system,

      you could miss out on important benefits and  rights such as:


- Worker's Compensation weekly benefit checks

- Return to Work Rights

- Vocational Rehabilitation

- Permanent Impairment Awards






Workers Compensation:

Three Things Your Doctor Can Do To Help Your Case



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Insurance companies will use their knowledge of the Worker's Compensation system to their advantage. You can help your doctor document your case so that your work injury is not easily questioned. There are three easy steps that you can ask your doctor to take. 


1. Worker's Compensation Medical Form Completely Filled Out


Make sure your doctor fills out the entire Worker's Compensation Medical Report form  75 WCA-1. This form is located on our LINKS page. Most doctors have the form in their office and will give a copy to you at the end of your visit. Make sure all of the boxes are checked or completed.


2. Office Notes Show Relationship Between Work Incident and Your Injury


It would seem to be evident, but the doctor should write in his office notes that your injury was as a result of the work accident. The doctor also needs to include notes that tell why the medical treatment recommended is reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. 


3. Doctor Should Review and Comment on Insurance Doctor's Report


Many times, the insurance company will hire a doctor to review your case. This includes a review of your medical records and possibly an examination. The insurance doctor will write up a report stating his/her opinion of your case. Your doctor should review the report from the insurance doctor and make comments either in the office notes or in a separate letter.


These three simple things can help your case go much more smoothly and with less stress for you.






New Hampshire Workers Comp - When to Call an Attorney



























Getting hurt at work can be a confusing and frustrating experience. Will I be treated fairly? Will my limited knowledge of the NH Worker's Comp system be used against me? Do I need to speak to an attorney? Here is a quick checklist to help you decide if it's time to call a lawyer. 

Call a lawyer if:

1. Your claim is denied.

2. The Carrier asks for a hearing.

3. Instinct or intuition tells you something isn't right.


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